We want you to feel confident that you understand the charges for your Brightspeed products and services. Sometimes charges on your bill appear unfamiliar, which may lead you to think they are incorrect. Let's review some charges that commonly cause confusion, then talk about what to do if you still feel you have incorrect charges on your bill.
There are several types of charges that are often mistaken for "incorrect charges."
Federal and state taxes and fees are sometimes confusing, which can cause customers to wonder if they are correct. To help you make sense of it, we've put together information about taxes and fees, what they're for, and where they appear on your bill.
One-time charges may also appear on your bill, such as shipping costs, purchased modems, or installation charges. Since these are not a monthly, ongoing charge, they can cause confusion.
Pay-per-use (PPU) charges can also appear on your bill, and change the total billed amount that you are expecting. Some of the most common PPU charges are:
PPU charges are billed directly from your phone line. Prior to contacting Brightspeed, ask members of your household if they used any of the PPU features listed above.
After reviewing the list of charges above, many people find that a charge on their bill that looked wrong at first is really valid.
However, if you believe a charge on your bill is truly in error, contact us. We'd be happy to review your bill with you. If an error has been made, Brightspeed will make the necessary changes or adjustments to resolve your concern.
Note: You have up to 90 days to dispute a charge on your bill.
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